Friday 20 February 2015

Hello again, I'm back.......

Hi All, just a quick one. had a little shuffle round with the blog design as you can see. I've also added a few posts to my face book page so if you want to wander over then go to the link below. You can look through more of my creations!

Monday 26 August 2013

New Brighton

After a manic morning yesterday, with a car boot sale to get rid of the piles of baby clothes and toys we no longer need, and finally getting the car to start, we ventured over to New Brighton. The intention was to take the kids somewhere nice out for the day and so as could get some test shots for some images I'm putting together for a friend. As it is the bank holiday weekend, as you may imagine, it was rammed by the time we got there. I finally found a parking spot and walked across the promenade, and with all my kit wrapped around me I was ready to do battle with the crowds.

After taking some test shots with my camera-phone, I was ready to get the Nikon  D800 out. The problem with sunny, hot bank holiday weekends is that there is usually a lot of people about and they tend to get in the way of my shooting. How rude of them not disperse and leave the beach just to me!
There is a light house a New Brighton that I've taken shots of before, however, as there was tide was in this time I could take a few long exposures with the sea wrapped around its base, so out came the Lee big stopper. This type of shots always looks cool and love the simple composition you get from this minimalist style. I then focused my attention on the fort, taking wide angled shots of the corners of the structure and then further away. Walking around the fort, I found a nice shot of the lighthouse that appeared just passed one of the corners of the fort. I could only get so far around as the tide prevented me from getting to one face of the building, so I tried to pull further away.

As I mentioned earlier the amount of people and the sunny day prevented me from getting image I wanted, and as well used to Photoshop as I am, I wasn't prepared to remove all of the seasider's from the photo, I guess I'll just go back at a quieter time. Here are some of the test shots from my phone.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

New website

As I may have mentioned yesterday not only have I put together a website but I've also set up a Facebook page, you'll find the links to both of these at the top of this blog page. If it''s easier for now then go to the website link here or the Facebook page link here. If you can 'like' the Facebook page then you'll receive regular updates from photo-shoots and offers for the website that will be available soon. I do have a Google+ page as well, but I need to add a bit more content to it, and I need to get some followers, (if you could please go to my G+ page here and follow me).

The web site includes my finished artwork and is a place to showcase my portfolio, also, if you want to own a new piece of artwork to hang at home then you can order prints and canvasses direct from the site. You can also contact me at, if you have any special commissions you would like me to undertake.

'til next time.....

Tuesday 20 August 2013

A busy few months

Well it's been some time since I posted anything on here but I've been a busy boy. As well as putting together my first exhibition outside college/university, I've also had my first paid photography job and set up my own website.

The time I've spent putting this exhibition together was really worth the effort and I'm so pleased with the end result, hopefully the exposure well help me in my in my pursuit of becoming a fine art photographer. My exhibition consists of monochrome framed prints, panoramic canvasses and a large show piece canvass (which is my favourite). The theme of the exhibition displays different landscapes in the Merseyside and Northwest area of England and depicts images showing the land that has been changed by both man and nature; whether it's the ever shifting sands, moved and deformed by the tide or farm land created by great swathes of forest being ripped down by man to make way for grazing cattle and crops  I also enjoy both the dramatic element that the black and white photo's can give and also the tranquil, simple style of minimal photography. 

If you're in the Kirby area in Merseyside, then please take a look in at Kirby Gallery, the exhibition started in July and runs until the 19th November 2013.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Travels with turner

   Having had a busy few weeks lately, I thought it was about time to update you with my recent activities. I have recently got some new kit which was very exciting. Deciding it was time to get some professional gear I have invested in a new camera body, a Nikon D800, a couple more lenses and accessories including a new 10 stop filter; the Lee Big Stopper, I can't wait to produce more long exposures.

I have also been working on a new web site where I'll be able to sell and show more work I've been doing, so watch this space.

I have some work on show at Huyton Gallery as part of the J.M.W Turner exhibition were I have been  commissioned, by Knowsley Leisure & Culture Service, to produce images in the style of the artist but with a contemporary setting. The exhibit shows some of Turners prints, on loan from Manchester Metropolitan University. The exhibition will move to Kirby later on in the year, and I will have more of my of my own work added to the collection. For more details click here.

Turner leaflet front.jpg

I still have lots to so 'til next time........

Saturday 3 November 2012

Misty Mersey

A couple of weeks back I took a trip into Liverpool where the misty weather gave me some dramatic shots.

Sunday 30 September 2012

New start

A change of tact: as it was getting all a bit much with this project, family life, work and friends I am not able to carry in the same vein. So from now I'll be posting every week or so with new photo's. 

Yesterday we all went out to New Brighton where the sea was a little choppy to say the least, however, it made for some dramatic shots. The first couple in the series were done using long exposures, creating a ghosting/ mist effect to the water. 'Til next time....

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